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Looking for more Shirts? Like my STUCK animals?

You can find more of my Shirt Designs, including the ones I had in previous years, on my RedBubble and SpreadShirt accounts. There you can order the type of clothing, size and color you wish - they will be custom printed for you and shipped by these shops (the shops provide the service, I am not involved in the production process).

βšͺ️ Shirt Design overview on my website:

πŸ”΄ RedBubble Shop:

🟒 SpreadShirt Shop Germany / Europe:

🟒 SpreadShirt Shop USA / international:

I may not have all designs available on all pages yet. If you're missing anything, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to make it available for you. When I print new shirts (like the AWOOGA and FABULOUS), I will first sell my shirts, so you won't find these in the RedBubble/SpreadShirt shops yet.

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